What's It About?

Hey there, welcome to my first monthly challenge! Sproutober is a chance for me to draw even more of what I love. If you're joining, I hope you are excited to learn about plants along the way (see below for more info on all of the plants and prompts), and don't feel any pressure to do more than one! We're here to have fun!


Sproutober_just the prompts.jpg

My Originals

I will be working traditionally, and selling all of the originals in my shop daily to raise money for two important causes. 100% of the sale costs will be added up and divided equally between them at the end of the month.

The first is Seeding Sovereignty's Ancestral Acres Farm & Garden initiative. This project is about developing a farm and providing the QTBIPOC community on Tiwa Territory (Albuquerque, NM) with community, food security, and a connection to the land.

The second is the Pollinator Partnership. Pollinators are integral to the way humans survive, in both our food and ecosystems, and this non-profit promotes the health of pollinators through conservation, education, and research.

More Info

Each of the toggle menus below have an assorted list of information that I hope will inspire you in some way - just click the little triangle to read a little of what I've researched! You are more than welcome to use any medium you find comfortable, and free to interpret and be inspired by any aspect of the following plants! Have fun, and let's learn a little too!

These are far from full entries on each plant, nor have they been too rigorously verified or researched. The goal is to just pique your interest a bit, and think about different ways plants are used and viewed around the world! All photos are obtained from wikipedia (with attribution) to be used as reference and jumping off points!

And "wild spaces" are a chance for you to do some of your own research, or draw from your own experiences. Use google, use wikipedia, and check my prompts below for some direction if you want/need it!